Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee
Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee
This lesson introduces learners to the factors which have led to a more connected world economy. We start by looking at the the great depression to understand the protectionism that eventually failed the world, and the process of trade liberalisation which picked it back up.
We briefly look at free trade and the EU (as this is another lesson in the spec), then look at the various factors that have increased trade such as reduced cost of transport/containersation. A concise case study on CEFTA which students can attempt a 4 mark question on, a model answer to self assess.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This lesson introduces learners the types of conditions which push or pull countries to operate in different countries. We then go on to look at the difference between off-shoring and outsourcing with examples, pros and cons are discussed.
A concise case study on an IT company Xceed is looked at, and why they decide to operate in a different country - this is a good build up to the next lesson where we assess countries.
Guidance and some structure is given, then students can look at a concise model answer to help with self assessment
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This 8 lesson bundle covers:
3.3.1 Quantitative sales forecasting
3.3.2 Investment appraisal
3.3.3 Decision trees
3.3.4 Critical path analysis
Filled with calculation practice, step-by-step examples on how to work out the various quantitative skills in 3.3, case studies, questions, concise model answers to improve exam practice and kahoot quizzes to consolidate learning in an engaging way.
All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder.
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This lesson introduces learners to scenario planning, the last lesson for theme 3! We start by looking at some scenarios where unexpected events have occured, which impact businesses adversely, we then go on to look at general scenarios that can have huge impacts on businesses and their operations, before looking at a case study on Shell, they have been creating scenario plans for a long time, and actually have a scenario plan up till the year 2100!. A kahoot quiz on all of theme 3 to consolidate and enjoy.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This lesson introduces learners to budgeting, we start by looking at the purpose and types of budgets before moving onto variance analysis. An example calculation is demonstrated before students attempt a 4 mark exam style calculation question - answer is provided as well as an extra student answer for the class to identify where marks are given.
We then look at a fictional case study on Meerkat who has decided to leave ‘compare the market’. A 12 mark exam style question on the usefulness of variance analysis with structure guidance and concise model answer is provided. Students peer assess using the marking grid criteria before finishing off with a box plenary.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This set of resources includes 1x PPT and 2x word files and can be delivered over 2-3 lessons. Learners are introduced to key concepts in organisational structures such as span of control and chain of command in engaging ways i.e chinese whispers to demonstrate the negatives of a long chain of command. We look at the pros and cons of tall, flat and matrix structures, then we move on onto centralised and decentralised structures. A short case study based on cartoon characters who have switched to decentralised - a few questions to contextualize the knowledge.
Students have the opportunity to learn about the supermarket industry, in particular Morrisons struggle with the budget supermarkets which led to restructuring - a 12 mark question with structure guidance and a detailed model answer to help students with peer assessments, as well as making improvements to WWW and EBI.
To spice it up a bit, a group matching task, where students have to create an organisational structure - answer sheet provided so teacher can look around whilst students work on it.
Two links to kahoot quizzes and a box plenary to finish with.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This lesson introduces learners to corporate cultures, and the different types that exist. We start with looking at some real examples before identifying how culture is formed, we look at the four different types of cultures that students are required to learn, followed by what influences these four types of cultures. Sometimes culture would need to change and we explore the reasons for this in an engaging way.
We then go on to read a concise case study about a company’s culture and how it affects their performance, a 12 mark question with a concise model answer for students to peer assess with. A research task and box plenary to finish off with.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This set of resources includes 1x PPT and 2x word files and 4 clips, and can be delivered over a double lesson. Learners are introduced to what branding is made up of and looking at the top brands in the world. Plenty of real life examples of strong branding before looking at different types of above and below the line promotion.
We then go on to read a case study about a budget hotel chain, a 12 mark question with structure guidance and model answer is provided for students to look at when peer assessing and making improvements to WWW and EBI
A link to kahoot quiz and a box plenary to finish with, plus an 8 mark homework with a concise model answer provided to look at the following lesson.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This lesson introduces learners to different types of training such as external formal training and informal on the job training, pros and cons of both discussed and two 3 mark questions with model answers for self or peer assessment. Formula for retention rate and performance management is covered here too.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This double lesson introduces learners to what motivation is, students reflect on what motivates them. Financial and non financial methods are discussed. Two case studies, two 9 mark questions, one with guidance to help write a model answer.
I have included Maslow’s hierarchy of needs although they do not need to know this for this particular course, however it helps with understanding motivation and extend their knowledge on the topic.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This set of resources includes 1x PPT and 2x word files and can be delivered over 3 lessons. Learners are introduced to two main concepts 1) the product life cycle and 2) the boston matrix and how the two concepts are linked together. We start with looking at different stages a product goes through by looking at some real examples, students have the opportunity to become familiar with the cycle by creating their own - and describing what sales and costs are like at each stage too.
We then go on to look at the boston matrix, we look at each quadrant to understand the cash cows and dogs characteristics in depth. A group task to develop a marketing mix for a drink or a chocolate whilst considering the stage in the product life cycle - students can present their ideas back on the A3 sheet to the class. Another group task where students are given a business and they need to allocate the businesses products into the boston matrix, this could also be fed back or presented.
A link to a kahoot quiz and a box plenary to finish with.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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A 30 minute/30 mark assessment for each unit
A full mark scheme with exemplar responses for each unit
Interactive PDFs + standard versions so they can be completed digitally or printed out
Concise case studies like the real exam so students can focus on extracting the context and applying it in their answers
All case studies are from 2021, relevant and relatable to GCSE students
Evaluative questions are scaffolded for accessibility like the real exam
Units assessments are also available separately in the shop.
This 7 lesson bundle covers:
A1 The role of marketing - 5 lessons
A2 Influences on marketing activity - 2 lessons
Filled with engaging activities designed to stimulate creativity whilst developing the skills needed to achieve top bands in the assessment foci.
All you need - open the powerpoints, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder.
Thank you
The new Edexcel GCSE Business knowledge book is ready to use! The ultimate resource for knowledge retrieval - completely aligned with the specification requirements.
This resource includes:
Theme 1 knowledge workbook + answer book
Theme 2 knowledge workbook + answer book
50 bright, colourful pages with images to help students make links
103 areas of the spec tested
A traffic light checklist for students at the bottom of each page to use as a revision resource once completed
This can be used in a variety of ways, for example:
Send electronically to all students to work from rather than print (most cost effective)
Teacher can request this to be printed in an A4 or A5 booklet and hand out to class
Use as homework after each lesson or take time at the end of each lesson to complete the relevant page.
Theme 1 and 2 are also available individually.
This double lesson introduces learners to the concept of specialisation with an emphasis on comparative advantage. We start by looking at what specialisation is with examples of what some countries specialise in. We then look at a basic example of two countries producing two goods to really break down the concept of absolute and comparative advantage in an engaging way. We then look at this could be illustrated on a diagram. Some short answer exam questions for consolidation. We then look at the assumptions this model makes before having a break. We then look at a case study on Brazil, an exam style question with a model answer to peer assess using the marking grid. We finish off with a box plenary.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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**This bundle for CTEC Cambridge Technical Business Unit 1 is the ultimate pack for teachers delivering this course. **
New for 2021 with purposeful, engaging and colourful slides. The highest quality, unrivalled lesson experiences from start to finish.
Filled with a variety of activities, concise case studies, lots of calculation practice, particularly for the learning aim 4, all with answers to develop your students’ exam performance. Questions with structured guidance and modelled answers for self/peer assessments - to save your time and to build their skills at the same time rather than just going through theory slide after slide. Please have a look at individual learning aims to see previews.
All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder.
Thank you
The new Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 Knowledge book is here! The ultimate resource for knowledge retrieval for theme 4 - completely aligned with the specification requirements.
This resource includes:
• Theme 4 knowledge workbook + answer book (interactive PDF)
• 15 bright, colourful pages with images to help students make links
• 32 areas of the theme 4 spec tested
• A traffic light checklist for students at the bottom of each page to use as a revision resource once completed
This can be used in a variety of ways, for example:
• Send electronically/upload for students to type into rather than print (most cost effective)
• Teacher can request this to be printed in an A4 or A5 booklet and hand out to class
• Use as homework after each lesson or take time at the end of each lesson to complete the relevant page
This set of resources includes 1x PPT (40 slides) and 1x word file of a 9 mark question.
Learners are introduced to different forms of business such as sole traders, private limited companies, public limited companies, non-profit organisations and social enterprises. We also look at the role of shareholders, why they invest and influences on share prices.
A variety of engaging and interactive tasks included with real life examples. A 9 mark exam style question on market capitalisation, a model answer and marking grid included so students can self/peer assess to identify WWW and EBI. Two links to kahoot quizzes and a box plenary to finish with.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This resource bundle can be delivered over around 9 lessons - over 130 structured slides of engaging and interactive learning:
3.4.1 Setting operational objectives - 1 lesson
3.4.2 + 3 Analysing and Increasing efficiency and productivity - 3 lessons
3.4.4 Improving quality - 2 lessons
3.4.5 Managing inventory and supply chains - 3 lessons
Filled with a variety of student-led activities, real life examples, case studies, exam questions, model answers, marking grids so students can self/peer assess to identify WWW and EBI with their responses before making improvements. Kahoot quizzes and box plenaries to consolidate learning in an engaging way.
All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder.
Thank you
This set of resources includes 1x PPTs which can be delivered over 2 lessons. 2x word files consisting of exam practice and activities…
We introduce learners to labour productivity, turnover, unit labour costs, employee costs as a percentage of revenue. We start with looking at the formulas for each one, with broken down examples to illustrate the concepts.
We look at a concise case study with some information on employees and productivity, using this students complete a calculation question along with group presentations on a 24 mark essay based question on labour rentention. After presentations, students can complete the 24 marker, or it could be completed for homework, structure and indicative points are provided to help with peer assesmeents.
This is followed by another case study on a construction company, who do things differently, students explore, how they keep their productivity levels up, responses to this could be done in groups and fed back to the class, we finish with a box plenary.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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